So you want to collaborate, but you’re not sure how to begin. Here are four practical steps to get started. 1. Learn who you can [...]
What is a successful partnership? In the last decade, nonprofit news organizations have emerged with a model that depends on creative partnerships. At the same [...]
Summary As Election Day approaches, more people seek news and information about politics. To understand the habits of news audiences in the run-up to [...]
Overview These should be heady days for fact-checkers. In an industry that has not otherwise been enjoying robust growth, the number of media outlets focused [...]
Politicians have lied throughout history, but today’s political climate presents particular challenges to fact-checkers — and that was the concern of journalists and others gathered [...]
Although much of the summit discussion centered on challenges facing fact-checkers during the 2016 election and aftermath, people remained optimistic that the enterprise as a [...]
A formatted PDF version of this report is available for download or printing here. You can also learn more about the Localore: Finding America projects [...]
“Break Form: Making stories with and for the people” was written and prepared by lead researcher Mallary Tenore, Localore Executive Producer Sue Schardt, editors Jessica [...]
Here we assess the reach and impact of two national Localore productions in 2014 and Finding America in 2017 across three platforms of engagement with [...]
What journalists learn from listening to voices Each Finding America team immersed themselves deeply in their communities, first as outsiders and, over time, building meaningful [...]