Top three devices, means of discovery, and sources African Americans and Hispanics use for news about their communities

Rank African Americans Hispanics
Top devices for news
1 Television (39%) Television (60%)
2 No device mentioned (30%) Internet, device unspecified (19%)
3 Internet, device unspecified (25%) No device mentioned (16%)
Top means of discovering news
1 Directly from a news organization reporting it (52%) Directly from a news organization reporting it (71%)
2 No discovery mentioned (10%) Word of mouth (8%)
3 Directly from a specialty news organization (8%) No discovery mentioned (7%)
Top sources for news
1 Local news station (23%)  Hispanic community specific news (48%)
2 African American community specific news (17%) Local news station (12%)
3 Newspapers (17%) No source mentioned (11%)