Web traffic, such as page views, visitors, time spent, etc. |
65% |
28% |
Social media numbers or activity |
59% |
17% |
Audience comments or audience actions taken |
37% |
20% |
Web traffic of partners who distributed the work |
34% |
3% |
Number of other media organizations that used or cited the work |
55% |
9% |
Direct impact from the work, such as formal hearings, laws changed or charges filed |
50% |
14% |
Evidence of changes in awareness or knowledge of a topic |
43% |
11% |
Responses from officials to the reporting |
41% |
16% |
Editorials written or other journalistic activities that followed the work |
38% |
16% |
Evidence of changes in attitudes or perceptions about an issue or topic |
32% |
4% |
Don’t ask provide metrics |
3% |
20% |
Haven’t been asked for metrics |
2% |
7% |