FCP_blackFor journalists, there’s one thing that might be worse than getting a fact wrong: getting the fact-checking wrong. What’s the best way to infuse solid fact-checking into the  journalistic process — whether it’s writing stories, building charts, making videos, or creating any element for news consumers?

The American Press Institute has embarked on a long-term fact-checking program, with financial support from The Democracy Fund, the Rita Allen Fund, and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to examine the state of fact-checking in media organizations, study best practices, and provide training. Follow us for the latest news from the fact-checking front, especially as we approach the 2016 elections.

In addition, six scholars from around the U.S. and the U.K. have conducted research designed to examine and improve the practice of fact-checking. Their topics include the impact of fact-checking on political rhetoric, the effectiveness of rating systems like the Washington Post’s “Pinnochios,” readers’ changing perceptions of fact-checking, and a survey of journalists on the prevalence of fact-checking.

Regular posts at www.americanprstg.wpenginepowered.com will feature:

  • Q&A interviews with those who study and practice fact-checking;
  • the latest from our scholars’ research projects and other studies in fact-checking;
  • tell you how journalists tracked down and verified facts in “How I got that fact;”
  • more news and tips from the fact-checking universe.

Have questions? Topics you’d like to see tackled? A good fact-checked story of your own? Contact API’s senior research manager Jane Elizabeth, jane.elizabeth@pressinstitute.org, 571-366-1116, @JaneEliz. You can also follow our daily curated collection of fact-checking stories from around the country at trove.com.

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