About Table Stakes

The Table Stakes Local News Transformation Program works with news organizations to tackle important challenges and manage continuous change. The program helps news businesses find a path to a sustainable future by teaching them how to change their practices, develop new products, reach new audiences and better engage their communities.

More than 200 news organizations nationwide have participated in Table Stakes. The process is applied across several versions of the program at universities and institutes, including API, the Poynter Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Arizona State University.

The American Press Institute managed the Major Market and Gannett-McClatchy programs and currently manages the subsequent sprint programming as well as the Table Stakes alumni network. API’s Table Stakes work is funded by The Knight-Lenfest Local News Transformation Fund.

The Table Stakes Alumni Network

API runs the Table Stakes Network for program alumni to offer additional training, funding, events and support. 

Who are Table Stakes alumni? An individual who either:

  • Is an alumnus of a Table Stakes program (Major Market, Poynter, UNC, ASU, Gannett-McClatchy)
  • Works at a news organization that completed one of the programs mentioned above (Not sure if your news organization is on the list? Check here
  • A former or current coach for a Table Stakes program

If you fall under one of the categories, make sure to subscribe to the Table Stakes alumni newsletter to receive updates on upcoming opportunities.

Explore Alumni Opportunities

Diversifying Revenue Series: Strategies for retaining paid subscribers

Thursday, Jan. 30 · 1 – 2pm EST. Register here.

Join us for a conversation with Table Stakes coach Anthony Basilio about how news organizations can improve their retention of print and digital subscribers.

We’ll talk about:

  • Optimizing your 2025 strategy toward retaining and giving additional value to paid subscribers
  • Best practices for managing subscription pricing, billing and renewal
  • Ideas for onboarding and engaging younger subscribers
  • And more!

This session will help the alumni community exchange ideas and find solutions for their digital transformation and revenue-related challenges. Attendees can expect 30 minutes of moderated conversation with the speakers, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A with the audience.

Alumni Newsletter

If you want to be alerted when future alumni opportunities are announced, make sure to subscribe to the Table Stakes alumni newsletter