Elections in recent years have been marred by false and misleading claims of fraud. Anticipating an acceleration of the trend, editors and news directors from [...]
When news organizations face cuts, opinion editors and writers are some of the first on the chopping block: Their work can be replaced by that [...]
No work of journalism should be focused more on what matters to the public than election coverage. Voters, after all, are the decision makers. But [...]
The 2020 election may be remembered best for misinformation. Led by the defeated president himself, partisans — including elected officials — and others seeking to [...]
The pandemic made nearly every facet of life more complicated. That, in turn, altered what kind of news people needed. In response, many journalists offered [...]
The pandemic created new challenges for journalists trying to help audiences make sense of a contentious election, one already complicated by abrupt shifts in voting [...]
This is the second installment of a column from API Executive Director Tom Rosenstiel, published in partnership with the Poynter Institute, about the press and politics, [...]
Editor’s Note: The American Press Institute is exploring how news organizations are reimagining opinion journalism to support constructive conversations in their communities. This essay by [...]
A new column from API Executive Director Tom Rosenstiel, published in partnership with the Poynter Institute, about the press and politics, culture and media ethics, technology [...]
This piece is part of API’s Research Review series, which highlights academic research that could be relevant and useful to the news industry. We also [...]