For years, columnists and analysts have observed and lamented the growing polarity in American politics. Too often, they act like bystanders, pointing out problems but [...]
Like so many other great ideas, this one began over a beer. It was the fall of 2017, and my editor George Stanley and I [...]
When Raleigh News & Observer Associate Opinion Editor Ned Barnett and his boss, Peter St. Onge, were tipped off to a political dirty trick that [...]
In the age of social media, cable talk shows and fast-moving news cycles, what value does opinion journalism, including the opinion and editorial pages of [...]
This piece is part of API’s Research Review series, which highlights academic research that could be relevant and useful to the news industry. We also hope that [...]
Many communities across the country today have unprecedented opportunity to converse with each other, understand one another’s views, and find workable solutions or approaches to [...]
Fact-checkers adapt to heightened combat, facing politicians who are repeating lies and pushing back
Fact-checkers in the past year have come to resemble emergency physicians doing triage in a raging epidemic. The amount of work is overwhelming, but they [...]
Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the organization of craigslist founder Craig Newmark, has donated $200,000 to the American Press Institute to expand its efforts of promoting ethical [...]
People often don’t know whether the content they see is news or opinion, according to our recent pair of Media Insight Project surveys. In one [...]
Earlier this month, the American Press Institute presented an idea that we believe could help with two challenges confronting journalism: a continuing decline in trust [...]