With advertising becoming a less reliable source of revenue for the embattled journalism industry, more news outlets are turning toward sources of consumer revenue to [...]
More than a year after the global pandemic became official, local journalism still grapples with the fallout — not only from the coronavirus but also [...]
Editor’s note, 2024: Want to learn how API’s Emily Ristow trains news organizations on Stop Doing, and how outlets have successfully implemented this practice into [...]
There was a time when being a journalist meant pursuing a story by reporting the available information from as many sources as possible, writing the [...]
When a large U.S. newspaper cuts print publication days or curtails home delivery, headlines may scream media apocalypse. But for years, newspapers here and there [...]
Journalists have a reputation for dismissing data about their stories. But it’s undeserved. After all, the axiom “if it bleeds, it leads” describes a newsroom [...]
Launching a paywall is easy. Pivoting a whole business from an advertising-centric mindset to one focused on reader revenue is not. Despite 10 years of [...]
When Journal Star executive editor Dennis Anderson created a reader advisory board with residents of Peoria’s predominately African American South Side in 2014, he knew [...]
The first thing a reporter needs to know about collaborating with an ethnic media journalist, said Univision host Jorge Ramos, is not to call him [...]
When journalists talk about how they wish the public could recognize good reporting from bad reporting or even fakery, the subject often turns to whether [...]