Key Features


Detects all the sources in all of your stories, with 100% automation


Each publisher can choose what content and categories to track


API helps you make culture and workflow changes


Easy access to data and insights

Authors & Topics

See sourcing trends for a single beat, team or jounalist

Easy Integration

Works with any CMS. No scripts installed on your website.

Impact in Action

The sources journalists choose to quote in their stories affect and reflect whose stories get told, how stories are told, who the news is for, and what communities are served. Source tracking shows you opportunities for improving your coverage, helps you set goals and measures your progress over time — all with the objective of building broader and deeper relationships with your communities.

Source Matters’ value is critical to our newsroom, allowing us to hold ourselves accountable and to humanize our news sources. It helps us learn more about the people we serve, and most importantly see those we are not reaching.

Colorado Public Radio

Source Matters has overhauled the source audit process, bringing it into the digital era. The tool offers an array of collection methods and analytics that have helped our newsroom understand more about who we are representing in our coverage.


Newsroom tips: Explaining the why of source tracking

Source transparency as a tool for change

How the San Antonio Report developed new sources by tracking source diversity

an abstract line drawing of a group of people sitting in a circle and talking

Centering Community Voices

5 ways to support source tracking in your newsroom

How to audit sources: A guide to help you get started

Request a Demo

Source Matters is now available for local and community organizations of all shapes and sizes. We offer monthly demos, please sign up for the next available date below or reach out to the team at