When Journal Star executive editor Dennis Anderson created a reader advisory board with residents of Peoria’s predominately African American South Side in 2014, he knew [...]
The first thing a reporter needs to know about collaborating with an ethnic media journalist, said Univision host Jorge Ramos, is not to call him [...]
Every story is an opportunity to have a conversation with your audience about what journalism is for and how journalists conduct their work. Each type [...]
When journalists talk about how they wish the public could recognize good reporting from bad reporting or even fakery, the subject often turns to whether [...]
We hope this essay will provoke some new ideas about how to help people become more discriminating consumers of news. Our recommendations boil down to [...]
Valeria Fernández has illuminated immigrant life in the Southwest through stories published in outlets such as CNN International, The Guardian, and PRI’s The World. For [...]
Medicine came to the realization some years ago: Being a good doctor requires more than knowing science. The best doctors also understand their patients. As [...]
Here are some tips for reporters, photojournalists and videographers on how to incorporate empathy in your work: Spend time researching an unfamiliar community before you [...]
Empathetic journalism can build bridges to communities, but without lasting changes in coverage, an act of empathy can become another instance of parachute journalism. This [...]
Empathy should be a newsroom-wide value, but it starts with reporters because they deal with people in the community every day. No matter a reporter’s [...]