Visualizing America’s problems Creator: The New York Times Summary: A visual snapshot of the nation’s problems. _____________________________________________ The New York Times visualized the main issues [...]
‘Smarter Faster’ videos Creator: Axios Summary: A series of first-person interviews with experts overlaid with graphics and conversational text to succinctly explain an issue to [...]
The final section of this report examines 11 works of journalism from news organizations around the country that have found effective ways to present facts [...]
The Lego Project Creator: Tampa Bay Times Summary: An interactive project built with LEGO pieces helps explain a confusing and controversial transportation plan. _____________________________________________ Ultimately, [...]
Charting stock and tweets Creator: The Wall Street Journal Summary: Fever charts are played alongside tweets by Donald Trump to reveal how a company’s stock [...]
By many measures, never have there been more efforts in journalism to scrutinize and hold powerful people and institutions accountable. The number of news organizations [...]
While the news is unpredictable, news partnerships don’t have to be. John Bebow, publisher of Bridge Magazine, said there haven’t been any knotty moments in [...]
The best partnerships between nonprofit and commercial newsrooms do more than outsource reporting or increase distribution. Over time, they change how news organizations do their [...]
Good journalism is done by people, and people need to get paid. So let’s be a little indecorous and talk about money. Nonprofit news organizations [...]