The public today must navigate a news ecosystem contaminated with false information. Some of it is spread without malicious intent, which is generally called misinformation. [...]
In his more than two decades in journalism, Joel Christopher had never seen anything like it. When he arrived at the Louisville Courier Journal as [...]
There was a time when being a journalist meant pursuing a story by reporting the available information from as many sources as possible, writing the [...]
Most news organizations aspire to a goal of delivering quality information that can promote healthy dialogue among members of their communities. Some succeed better than [...]
Each of the challenges addressed in this report – misinformation, attempts to manipulate journalists, polarized audiences and disparagement of journalists by politicians – is a [...]
Better Digital: Embracing data-based content and distribution strategies Unless a newspaper’s goal is to fade into oblivion, reducing print must be accompanied by investment in [...]
Expecting Pushback: How to tell readers change is coming Perhaps more than with any other issue, the publishers and newspaper leaders interviewed for this study [...]
Planning the Change: Picking which print days to cut A critical choice when reducing print publication frequency is selecting which days of the week to [...]
The Best Path: Reducing print on a thoughtful journey to digital Cutting a newspaper’s publishing days can save money by eliminating the pieces of the [...]
When a large U.S. newspaper cuts print publication days or curtails home delivery, headlines may scream media apocalypse. But for years, newspapers here and there [...]