Topic African Americans Hispanics Whites
Traffic and weather 78% 88% 82%
Your local town or city 72% 64%* 81%
National government and politics 63%- 38%* 78%
The environment and natural disasters 76% 81% 77%
Business and the economy 73% 53%* 71%
Foreign and international news 45%* 61% 70%
Health and medicine 74% 65% 66%
Crime and public safety 76% 75% 65%
Social issues like abortion, race and gay rights 40%* 44%* 62%
Science and technology 45%- 67% 58%
Schools and education 73% 62% 52%+
Lifestyle topics such as food, exercise or parenting 53% 46% 46%
Sports 62% 51% 44%
Art and culture 31% 30% 36%
Entertainment and celebrities 46% 54%* 32%