Millennials differ by race and ethnicity when it comes to the most commonly cited way of getting news on current events topics

Top way of getting current events topics

Topic Overall Whites African Americans Hispanics
Traffic and weather Local TV station Local TV station Local TV station Local TV station
Crime and public safety Facebook Local TV station Facebook/ Local TV station Facebook
National politics and government Facebook Facebook / National TV network Facebook Local TV station / National TV network
Science and technology Search engine Search engine Search engine Search engine
Information about my city, town, or neighborhood Facebook Local TV station Facebook Local TV station
Social issues like abortion, race, and gay rights Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook
Health care and medical information Search engine Search engine Facebook Local TV station
The environment and natural disasters Facebook Facebook Local TV station Facebook
Schools and education Word-of-mouth Word-of-mouth Facebook Search engine
Foreign or international news National TV network National TV network National newspaper Search engine
Business and the economy Search engine National TV network Local TV station Search engine
Religion and faith Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook