Twitter users Non-Twitter users All social media users
Current events, general 72% 60% 59%
Traffic and weather 69% 72% 68%
National news, general 68% 62% 60%
Politics and government, general 65% 55% 54%
Local stories/my town or city 62% 61% 56%
Technology 58% 26% 34%
Civil rights / civil liberties 58% 34% 32%
Sports 57% 49% 50%
Public safety and crime 57% 46% 46%
Social issues (abortion, gay marriage, etc.) 56% 32% 35%
International news 55% 44% 43%
Entertainment and celebrities 55% 39% 44%
National security / military / terrorism 52% 45% 42%
Science 47% 21% 25%
My region 47% 37% 36%
Business, financial and economic 45% 31% 33%
Health and medicine 45% 36% 39%
Positive news / human interest 45% 34% 34%
Health care issues 44% 41% 43%
Arts and culture 43% 16% 20%
Schools and education 42% 33% 33%
Immigration issues 40% 54% 52%
Environment 36% 26% 28%
Gun issues 30% 26% 27%
Marijuana / drug issues 30% 33% 33%
News about my racial / ethnic community 27% 17% 21%
Religion 25% 16% 18%
Non-specific / all news 16% 16% 15%
Other 4% 0 1%
None of the above 1% 3% 3%