The American Press Institute is continuing to help news organizations reimagine local opinion journalism to promote healthier civic discourse and to better understand its role in news business sustainability.

As part of our work, we are “passing the mic” to people in opinion sections and out to share what they are doing on this topic.

How can opinion journalism effectively expand the range of voices it represents in traditional sections and other platforms? What can opinion editors and writers continue to learn from bridge-builders, civic groups and other experts outside of journalism about facilitating healthy civic discourse? In what ways can and should opinion and commentary drive revenue and business sustainability?

These are the kinds of questions we’re asking. We began exploring them with more than 60 people, including local opinion editors and experts outside of journalism, at our 2023 API Local News Summit on Opinion, Civic Discourse and Sustainability.

Read the essays below:

They follow additional reflections from news leaders published in 2019, when API first convened opinion editors and bridge-builders outside of news.

To learn more about this work and potential opportunities to participate, please contact Kevin Loker, director of strategic partnerships and research, at

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