A framework for describing what local opinion journalism does for democracy.
Longtime philanthropic supporters of journalism are doubling down on local journalism specifically—and encouraging others to join them.
The American Press Institute has helped news leaders position their work for their community to get support from potential funders, donors and sponsors. Here are some resources that may help you.
Local media that seek to partner with philanthropy to reimagine local opinion journalism can turn to and get inspiration from a growing body of related research. Here are findings to inform or help make the case for your projects.
How have local news organizations worked with philanthropic funding or community donations for opinion or commentary so far?
How might you partner with philanthropy or take donations to bolster your opinion section’s role as a convener and contributor to civic discourse?
The laws and rules governing elections differ across the country. You need to know what is and isn’t allowed in the jurisdiction you’re covering, including the rules for journalists reporting at the polls on Election Day.
Some of the major sources for information related to elections and voting. It is by no means a comprehensive list, but a sampling of relevant agencies, news sites, experts and researchers.
Despite the differences, there are common steps taken in almost every election. Each one provides a potential opportunity for news coverage.