Refugee and immigrant-related issues tend to be politically charged, and some audience members are very adamant about sharing their oppositional views. Keeping these voices — [...]
One of the main goals of this project is to help reporters tell multifaceted and moving stories about refugees, so storytelling is at the heart [...]
Local refugee communities may not be widely visible to the larger population in some areas, but there are a number of ways to effectively establish [...]
Deciding how to cover refugee issues will be different for every organization. Newsrooms vary widely in size, structure and audiences, and the journalists interviewed for [...]
The word “refugee” evokes a certain image: people fleeing persecution or war-torn areas, living under harsh refugee camp conditions, starting a new life in a [...]
Three years after Miami elected its first Latino mayor, the Miami Herald launched a Spanish-language insert in an effort to attract the influx of Cuban [...]
Ethnographic research, or the study of people in their culture, is the core part of human-centered design. Unlike market research or focus grouping, which use [...]
Introduction Who pays for news? Why do they pay? Who does not pay for news and why not? Earlier this year, we conducted a nationally [...]
When it comes to paying for news and information, our research found that subscribers tend to fit one of three archetypes, each with different habits, [...]
In addition to the archetypes, we identified six other notable insights related to how people think about news subscriptions. These findings are themes that emerged [...]