Message People who most value giving voice to the less powerful* People who least value giving voice to the less powerful* “We look out for [...]
Message People who most value care* People who least value care* “We look out for our most vulnerable. Support us today.” 19% 4% “Our community [...]
Message Extremely/Very likely Somewhat likely Not very/Not at all likely “Financial support from those who can afford it makes our news and information available to [...]
Statement of belief Percent of Indifferent who agree Media cares about people like me 13% Media are willing to admit mistakes 17% Media are moral [...]
Group Percent who say it is important that news help them stay informed and be better citizens* The Upholders 57% The Moralists 72% The Journalism [...]
Group Seek out news Bump into news The Upholders 61% 39% The Moralists 73% 27% The Journalism Supporters 68% 32% The Indifferent 57% 43%
Reason to consume news Percent of Journalism Supporters who say it is important that news…* Helps me stay informed to be a better citizen 78% [...]
Group Percent who say it is important that news be enjoyable* The Upholders 35% The Moralists 42% The Journalism Supporters 23% The Indifferent 27%
Group Percent who say it is important that news share the views of people like them* The Upholders 18% The Moralists 32% The Journalism Supporters [...]
Statement of belief Percent of Journalism Supporters who agree News is accurate 83% News is trustworthy 58% Media cares about people like me 24% Media [...]