This research was conducted by the Media Insight Project — an initiative of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs [...]
Democrats have much more positive views of the media overall In our report on views on the media, Americans were asked a variety of questions [...]
Democrats and Republicans interact with news in similar ways, while independents are less newsy At a time when there seems a growing ideological divide in [...]
The number of fact-checking stories produced by journalists has increased dramatically in recent years, but could those stories be better at countering misinformation? Scholars and [...]
“S-Town,” the latest podcast from “Serial” and “This American Life,” is the entrancing story of the brilliant-but-tortured John B McLemore and his complicated life in [...]
Summary As Election Day approaches, more people seek news and information about politics. To understand the habits of news audiences in the run-up to [...]
Overview These should be heady days for fact-checkers. In an industry that has not otherwise been enjoying robust growth, the number of media outlets focused [...]
Politicians have lied throughout history, but today’s political climate presents particular challenges to fact-checkers — and that was the concern of journalists and others gathered [...]
Although much of the summit discussion centered on challenges facing fact-checkers during the 2016 election and aftermath, people remained optimistic that the enterprise as a [...]
Way back in the spring of 2015 — long before false accusations of massive voter fraud and pizza-shop sex rings and before the Facebook fake-news beatdown [...]