Need to Know

Need to Know2024-04-04T15:28:10-04:00

Useful insights for people advancing healthy, responsive and resilient news organizations.

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Measuring Well-being

May 6, 2024|Tags: , |

In the collective pursuit to attain business sustainability, we were losing the most important element to the business — the journalists. We, as news leaders, were also losing ourselves. This is a column on how to measure well-being for yourself and your organization. By the end, you’ll have a clear direction and quantitative ways to chart a healthy path forward for your journalists.

Representing our diverse communities is good journalism, not DEI

April 8, 2024|

In a year when the stakes are high for local and national elections, when 80 anti-DEI bills have been proposed in 28 states and when local news is in crisis, well-intentioned source tracking initiatives can come under fire. If that happens or is something your newsroom is anticipating, you can prepare for it and respond in a way that’s transparent about your work and consistent with your values.

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