This study was conducted by DB5 using a 15-minute online survey among two groups: General social media users (n=1,000) defined as those who used some [...]
The results of this survey make clear an intimate connection between Twitter users and news, and suggest some ways in which publishers can take best [...]
One of the major findings of this research, across all groups, is the finding that Millennials are far more interested in news and information than [...]
One dimension of understanding news and information that is becoming more important today is how people use the news and information they encounter. In an [...]
The digital divide has not materialized when it comes to technology access among Millennials. The Media Insight Project’s 2014 report The Personal News Cycle found [...]
This research was conducted by the Media Insight Project — an initiative of the American Press Institute and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs [...]
For printing and offline viewing, a PDF version of this report and the topline survey results are available for download.
This survey was conducted by the Media Insight Project, an initiative of the American Press Institute (API) and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs [...]
The Personal News Cycle revealed that the type of news people choose to follow varies significantly by race and ethnicity in the general population, [ref Among [...]
Significant numbers of journalism and communication graduates now practice what they consider journalism, even though they don’t work for traditional news organizations, our survey of [...]