We can all play a role in understanding and improving how the free press serves an inclusive democracy. For those interested in similar work, we are outlining implications and recommendations.
To support the work of civil society, philanthropy and research, we are sharing what we’ve learned in terms of what ideas have resonated. Here are some of the calls to action that sparked interest from news leaders over several recent API Local News Summits.
Many researchers’ findings, including on polarization, can help media and its leaders shape the journalism. The questions raised in research can help news leaders ask new questions about how journalism is done.
This report builds on the wisdom and experience of those interviewed and surveyed, and those who shape and influence the work behind the scenes.
The press will be much more effective in serving people and strengthening democracy if it learns from what researchers are learning. Among the examples and takeaways, you will find that news leaders and non-news experts alike value the opportunity to think differently about the challenges in front of them, about how local news can change and how research can ask different questions.
Why might news leaders and researchers want to inform each other’s work? And what might we learn from the ways it’s occurred so far?
When we set out to catalog the kinds of collaborative spaces between journalists and researchers, we started with an eye toward depolarization. Given our goals and what might be on the minds of many stakeholders following the U.S. elections, we wanted to highlight where it has happened.
Non-news experts share their insights to help news leaders on their challenge; the experts also gain ideas for further research and potential collaboration. We’ve been evaluating how we make this work at our summits, where the interaction between news leaders and non-news experts is a top-rated attribute.
API's tools Metrics for News and Source Matters had another banner year, while API staff shared their expertise at events across the country.
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